Thanks for the tools I received to get rid of stuttering

Thomas - 25 years

He attended stutter therapy in 2022

On Monday on entering, I was received homely by Lurdes. She offered me coffee and welcomed me. I introduced myself and of course I stuttered. I then spent the first 15 minutes with Del Ferro not stuttering and soon learnt that that was based on coincidence and trickery. That was quite an eye-opener. The day started with an introduction from Dennis and Patrick and then we got started right away. By making the instructional video, I immediately entered into a confrontation that set the tone of the entire course.

I asked myself if I was going to open up to that and the genuine enthusiasm came. Patrick helped me tremendously. His way of explaining things is truly sublime. He makes the subject matter so small and simple that the methods and techniques are ten times easier to apply. A joy to listen to. The comparisons Patrick makes are a good example of this. Thank you for the tools I received to get rid of stuttering.

A great experience for our students every Monday morning. You never get used to it. Do you also want to live stutter-free?

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Geertruida stottervrij met Del Ferro

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Mogelijk gemaakt door Del Ferro. Volg exact dezelfde stappen en word ook stottervrij! We vertellen je er graag alles over:

Del Ferro bij Humberto

Heb je Ingrid en Dennis gehoord bij Humberto op NPO Radio 1?

Volg exact dezelfde stappen als Lutsharel Geertruida en word ook stottervrij!